🤍 The powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?
❤️ 7 years ago, Robin Williams left this world, but before he did he came to visit some deployed friends in Afghanistan for Christmas; the Surgical Trauma Team AKA Bagram Association of Doctors Afghanistan Surgical Society or B.A.D.A.S.S for short (you know how the military loves acronyms). Our base had recently been rushed and had been under heavy mortar fire. We had a motto in our OR “Make it to our operating room and you will make it Home alive” we took pride in that and lived by that code, but in those recent waves of attacks some brave soldiers gave it all, and as a team we were devastated. Robin could of canceled, any reasonable person would have cancelled and he had every reason to, but I couldn’t believe my eyes, my favorite actor just walked through the trauma doors. I kindly introduced myself and so did he, as if it was needed. He put his arm on my shoulder as he thanked me for my service while we stood together for a photo, and for a moment I wasn’t there, I wasn’t at War, I wasn’t in the Trauma Rooms, for a moment I was watching his movies like “What Dreams May Come”, “Dead Poets Society”, “Jack”, “Good Will Hunting”. For a moment I was Home. -
❤️📱🚪Reach out to your friends, the fragile ones, and most certainly the strong ones. Share compassion, be present with them and for a moment it may make all the difference in the world.#Elevate ☰∣☰∨⋀⊤☰
#SuicidePrevention -
I leave you with this, A very special quote from a kind friend, from a very special movie:
- "We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for... That you are here. That life exist and identity. That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?" -Robin Williams, Dead Poets Society
With Big Love ❤️
💯% of ☰∣☰∨⋀⊤☰ merch sales goes to support Foster Kids, 4x more likely to commit suicide🌹 www.tljstewart.com
#human #success #people #LightKeeper #service #community #relationships #useyourgifts #elevateeverything #elevateallthetime #elevateallallthetime #fullglow #growthmindset #inspiration #motivation #beyou #bethegood #bethelight #believe #hope #liveyourtruth #love #wordporn #poem #positivity #prose #compassion #robinwilliams @robinwilliams
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