🤍 it’s not easy
🤍 it’s not easy
But I know nothing is
Poverty is difficult, I’ve been there
Success is difficult, I’m striving to get there
No matter the road you go, you’ll have highs and lows.
No matter the road you go you’ll collect critics
They’ll mock you for trying
They’ll mock you for not trying
And those who love you will support you in both efforts, guiding and correcting you when you start to lose focus on the goal.
It’s not easy being nothing
It’s not easy being something
It’s not easy
But I know this
If you kept it quiet and all to yourself,
what a difference it would never make,
what a something it would never be,
what a sight to never see,
what a way it never was
what an if to if
If it must be something that never was
If you keep it quiet and all to yourself
What a nothing to nothing it’ll become all because
It’s not easy.
☰∣☰∨⋀⊤☰ #Elevate
#human #success #contribute #community #relationships #lightkeeper #2020YoC #useyourgifts #elevateeverything #elevateallthetime #connect #grow #growthmindset #pensacola #hustle #inspiration #motivation #2020YearOfClarity #beyou #detroit #perfectyou #shine #bethegood #bethelight #believe #hope #liveyourtruth #begin #livecreative
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